Wednesday, February 18, 2009

A poem i have read first in class 3

I first came across this poem in std 3 [1992/93] . I am getting to realise its meaning today...


What is this life if, full of care,
We have no time to stand and stare.

No time to stand beneath the boughs
And stare as long as sheep or cows.

No time to see, when woods we pass,
Where squirrels hide their nuts in grass.

No time to see, in broad daylight,
Streams full of stars, like skies at night.

No time to turn at Beauty's glance,
And watch her feet, how they can dance.

No time to wait till her mouth can
Enrich that smile her eyes began.

A poor life this if, full of care,
We have no time to stand and stare.

By Wm. Henry Davies.

The happiest things in life ....

the happiest things these days....

the breeze at Marine drive in the evening
eating a fresh strawberry ice cream at K Rustoms
drinking a pint of beer after jogging for what seems long enough
calling up buddies at 3 am
catching a favourite song on the radio after ages
getting a mail from a long lost friend
experiencing foodie heaven at nariman point for Rs 19 a head

... the best things in life these days aint expensive

You’re a grownup if you are able to say, “It’s my fault” and mean it.

You’re a grownup if a Happy Meal doesn’t always make you happy.

You’re a grownup if everywhere you look, you see something that needs doing.

You’re a grownup if you appreciate hand-me-downs.

You’re a grownup if you value the little things. Charles Dickens wrote, “Trifles make the sum of life.”

You’re a grownup if you spend an inordinate amount of time talking about what gas prices used to be.

You’re a grownup if you say the things your parents said — the ones you swore you would never say.

You’re a grownup if you hear your favorite song in an elevator or on a TV commercial.

You’re a grownup if you realize that you have no one to complain to.

You’re a grownup if you remember when the smoking section was anywhere that you couldn’t smell gas.

You’re a grownup if you know that toilets are not self-cleaning.

You’re a grownup if your parents no longer embarrass you in public.

You’re a grownup if you no longer own a nuclear-powered car radio that torments eardrums.

You’re a grownup if you are less concerned with building your body than you are in reducing it.

You’re a grownup if things left unsaid shout at you.

You’re a grownup if you never go into a store without buying something.

You’re a grownup if you realize that there is nothing to be gained by judging others.

You’re a grownup if you recognize that everyone knows more about something than you do and is worth listening to.

You’re a grownup if it’s no longer funny when you fall down.

You’re a grownup if you understand that if you could trade troubles with another, you’d likely keep yours.

You’re a grownup if you are able to get so full at the nibbles table that you cannot finish your meal.

You’re a grownup if you have figured out that things turn out the best for people who make the best of how things turn out.

We choose a direction and we leave home. When that begins to hurt, we know that we are gone. We are a grownup.

Witty Quotes Haven: You Know You're Grown Up When..

Your houseplants are alive, and you can't smoke any of them.
Having sex in a twin bed is out of the question.
You keep more food than beer in the fridge.
6:00 am is when you get up, not when you go to bed.
You hear your favorite song in an elevator.
You watch the weather channel.
Your friends marry and divorce instead of "hook up" and "break up."
You go from 130 days of vacation time to 14.
Jeans and a sweater no longer qualify as "dressed up."
You're the one calling the police because those #%$@! kids next door won't turn down the stereo.
Older relatives feel comfortable telling sex jokes around you.
You don't know what time taco bell closes anymore.
Your car insurance goes down and your car payments go up.
You feed your dog science diet instead of McDonalds leftovers.
Sleeping on the couch makes your back hurt.
You take naps.
Dinner and a movie is the whole date instead of the beginning of one.
Eating a basket of chicken wings at 3am would severely upset, rather than settle, your stomach.
You go to the drug store for ibuprofen and antacid, not condoms and pregnancy tests.
A $4.00 bottle of wine is no longer "pretty good shit."

Monday, February 16, 2009

R stands for Recession

in the recent markets, no reliance stock has returned better returns than the index its tracking.

truly R stands for Recession

Sunday, October 29, 2006

the tea is long over, the memories linger

chai, tea, chaha, cha

some prefer tea to champagne. i prefer champagne any day, imagine clinking glasses of tea rather than bubbly 2 celebrate

ive had tea at hundreds of different places[as have most of us have] but then some places r just more memorable than others.ofcouse there is always the tea made at home which all indians swear by

my first real encounter with tea outside of the santuary of home was outside GLC[government law college] bang opposite churchgate station.when i entered sydenham in 99 one of the first college things i was introduced 2 was the cutting and bun maska[will dedicate an entire blog 2 this]. the chai walla outside glc can be truly called as a master brewer of was sheer brilliance that the tea tasted so good every day.many a study session,event deadlines and exams were made bearable due 2 him. sadly he is no longer there due to stupid bmc rules but god bless u where ever u r.

the common humble tea. ive had tea in the most fanciest places,to the most down drodden as well as the most unimaginable.

there was a chai wala o/s gamdevi police station[ donno if he still exists]who had the most bitter and over brewed day after much coercing he told me that some police inspector liked tea this way.he ordered tea innumerable times in a day frm this chai wala and his colleagues too started drinking such tea.this bitter and ekdum kadak chai slowly became the norm.

one of the better places to really enjoy teas[ yes teas as there r lotsa varieties, each better than the other] is tea centre at churchgate. many a study session at sydenham was concluded in the tranquility of the tea centre.a couple of friends loved this place.some of the teas i really liked were the quawah[kashmiri tea] with rose petals et al. a friend loved 2 expreriment and ordered new exotic teas every time.once he was stuck with an english high tea flavoured with apple and butter.

but most of all, its never about the tea.for me its always been about
the ambience[tea always tastes better when its raining]
the people[college days and that cutting which people would share]
the locale[better on a cold winter morning at mahabaleshwar than on a stuffy mumbai afternoon]
the situation [the team meeting just before the deadline with cups of sugary death wafting about admist heated arguements with dollops of passive smoke]

the tea is long over, the memories linger

think about it...

Friday, October 27, 2006

the music review of dhoom 2

in a phrase the music ROCKS !!!

pritam has my vote for the music composer for the year.

cant stop listening to "dhoom again".its got this amazin beat to it, which though has the original dhoom influence has great brazilian and latin american effect which takes the song to newer hieghts. lyrics in english just add to the charisma of the whole song. I read somewhere that pritam used garage sounds as well as any metal he could find in the yash raj studios to add to the latino sound

“crazy kiya re” is nice as well. Nice fusion between Indian classical [ tabla and flute r used nicely] and western and south American sounds, with a some techno added as dhania. I think this is gonna be picturised on aishwaria and this would add 2 the song

the “crazy remix” has also been well done. Listenin 2 it with a good speaker system would be like eating gelato instead of amul tri cone [ not that amul tri cone is bad, but gelato is much much better]

touch me has the classical yet modern latino touch to it. With nice interludes and equally nice vocals [KK & alisha take the cake again !!] this could very well be the next foot stomper every where.

The most fuck all aspect of this other wise brilliant album is “my name is ali”. I think this song has been added as ali’s [uday bhau] papa and bhayyia have paid for every thing. This is absolutely trashy and I just hope this song is deleted in the final cut. This looks like a cheap run down version of dilbara where ali goes after the chick, albeit w/o the same effect. Nothing more about this song shall be said

“Dil laga na” again gets me rockin into the dhoom mood after “ali” nice play on the lyrics “dil laga dil jala.. dil laga na diljale se dil jal jayega” pritam easily makes a great long island ice tea[ teetotalers read bhel puri] with Punjabi latino with a bit of qawali twist.. add a dash of the original dhoom tune and u got a modern classic.

Just cant wait 2 see all these dances. If the sounds have any effect on the choreographer then these dances alone would be worth the ticket as would aish and AB jr and Hrithik [not the chimp uday].